Darkness is the abstract noun.
In the noun phrase 'dark night' the abstract noun is night.The noun 'night' is a word for a period of a twenty four hour day; a word for a concept.The word 'dark' is an adjective describing the abstract noun 'night'.
Is stardom a abstract noun?
An abstract noun for the sky can be "infinity" as it represents the vast and limitless expanse above us.
Darkness is the abstract noun.
In the noun phrase 'dark night' the abstract noun is night.The noun 'night' is a word for a period of a twenty four hour day; a word for a concept.The word 'dark' is an adjective describing the abstract noun 'night'.
In the noun phrase 'dark night' the abstract noun is night.The noun 'night' is a word for a period of a twenty four hour day; a word for a concept.The word 'dark' is an adjective describing the abstract noun 'night'.
The noun 'dark' is a concrete or abstract noun depending on use:The noun 'dark' is a concrete noun as a word for an absence of light; a word for a deep color; a word for something that can be seen; a word for a physical thing.The noun 'dark' is an abstract noun as a word for nightfall, the time of day that begins the night. A word for a period of time is an abstract noun; time is a concept.
The noun darkness can be either a concrete or an abstract noun, depending on context.The noun 'darkness' is an abstract noun as a word for evil or wickedness; a word for unhappiness, sadness, lack of hope; a word for secrecy or mystery; as a synonym for night; a word for a concept or an emotion.The noun 'darkness' is a concrete noun as a word for a partial or complete absence of light; a word for an intensity of a color; a word for a physical property of something.
The noun shadow is an abstract noun as a word for a source of gloom or unhappiness.The noun shadow is a concrete noun as a word for a dark area created by blocking the light, something that can be seen.The noun finesse is an abstract noun as a word for a quality of delicacy and skill.
In the noun phrase 'dark night' the abstract noun is night.The noun 'night' is a word for a period of a twenty four hour day; a word for a concept.The word 'dark' is an adjective describing the abstract noun 'night'.
The word 'dark' is both an adjective and a noun.The noun 'dark' is an abstract noun as a word for nightfall, the time of day that begins the night. A word for a period of time is an abstract noun; time is a concept.The noun 'dark' is a concrete noun as a word for an absence of light; a word for a deep color; a word for something that can be seen; a word for a physical thing.The noun for the adjective dark is darkness.The noun 'darkness' is an abstract noun as a word for a state in which information is hidden; a word for a lack of knowledge, understanding, or education; a word for evil or wickedness; a word for a concept.The noun 'darkness' is a concrete noun as a word for a state in which little or no light can be seen; a word for the state of having a color or shade that is dark; a word for a physical thing.
Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.
Is undergone an abstract noun
The word 'dark' is both an adjective and a noun.The noun 'dark' is an abstract noun as a word for nightfall, the time of day that begins the night; a word for an absence of light; a word for a deep color; a word for something that can be seen; a word for a thing.The noun form of the adjective 'dark' is darkness.