abi brannings real name is lorna Fitzgerald
max wifes name is called tanya
Penny Brannings accident has not been aired on tv because it happened before Jack Branning joined eastenders
Kierston Wareing
Jake Wood
abi brannings real name is lorna Fitzgerald
max wifes name is called tanya
Penny Brannings accident has not been aired on tv because it happened before Jack Branning joined eastenders
Holly.Her sister is kathryn. there in the same band but kathryn is more a sister than a friend
Lauren branning and her first appernace was on 3rd of july 2006 she came with her mum tanya, her sister abi and her dad max.
Kierston Wareing
Oscar Branning :D
Jake Wood
"Abi" can be used for an older brother or some other male who is older than you (but still pretty close to your age), like your sister's husband or an upperclassman at school. It's a way for a younger person to show respect to an older male. You can put it after the person's name, like "Ali abi" or "Mehmet abi"
Abi Branning.
She's called Abi.