Community, precinct, vicinity...
Vicinity, environs, locality, precints, region
surroundings, territory, environment, district, locality, region, nearness
A geographic area where people have certain traits in common is called a region. This word is used to describe an area where individuals share similar characteristics such as language, culture, or customs.
The word is "steppe."
The root word for "vicinity" is "vicin," which comes from the Latin word "vicinus" meaning "neighbor" or "near."
A synonym is a word with a meaning similar to that of another word.
A "synonym" of a word is one that can have the same or a similar meaning.
This is an ambiguous question. It is not clear whether you are looking for words that have a similar sound, or a similar meaning to the word family. In terms of sound, familial sounds rather similar. In terms of meaning, clan, or relatives has a similar meaning.
Representative has a similar meaning to iconic.
similar in meaning to expedite.
A similar meaning to masticate is the word: chew.
A good sentance for the word vicinity is:There are no hotels in the vicinity of the hospital
different word similar to ambigious
'Cube' is a similar word,but with a totally different meaning
A similar meaning of the word avoid is to stay away from or hide from.