Commonly Known Names
Blue Whale
Bowhead Whale
Bryde's Whale
Bahamonde's Whale
Baird's Whale
Blainville's Whale
Scientific Names
Berardius arnuxii
Balaenoptera musculus
Balaena mysticetus
Balaenoptera brydei
Balaenoptera physalus
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Balaenoptera edeni
Balaenoptera borealis
Balaenoptera bonaerensis
Berardius bairdii
Orca (aka killer whale)
A whale or a blue whale
Uara is the name of a fish. Unicorn Fish is the name of a fish.
Harry Belafonte is a famous singer.
Beluga whale, blue whale
yes, a beluga whale, obviously starts with B
Beluga whale.
Beaver, bullfrog, bull seal, blow fish, baleen whale, bass, bluefish, blue whale, blue fin tuna, big mouth bass, barracuda, barnacle...
In the novel, Ismael says Moby Dick is similar to other names given to famous whales. For example, New Zealand Joe or Greenland Frank. That is, the name derives from "a place" and "a first name". But I don't know what Moby means. Is there a Moby Island?
A beluga whale is a marine mammal that starts with the letter B and can be found in the ocean.
A "Blogger Whale" does not exist as a name for a whale.
What type of whale?
Killer whale.