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It's JanSport's fancy name for the carrying handle, on their backpacks.

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Q: What is a web haul handle?
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Shauna's truck can handle up to 2 tons of weight She wants to haul 3500 pounds of wood How many tons of wood is that Can she haul all of it at once?

1 ton = 2000 lbs So Shauna has 3500/2000 or 1.75 tons So she could haul all of it at one time.

Does the sanitation department handle junk hauling?

It actually depends on the city you are located in, since different cities have different rules regarding what they will and will not haul. Please check your city/county's website to make sure they will handle junk hauling.

Is haul an adverb?

No, the word "haul" is not an adverb.The word "haul" is a verb and a noun.

What is short haul and long haul in stm1 surpass?

short haul in stm1 is below 30km and long haul which works for more then 30km.. there are differenet equipments for short haul and long haul.. working different wavelenght. long haul can work one 1310 nm and 1550nm.. but short haul can work on 1310 nm only..

What is a homophone for the word haul?

A homophone for the word "haul" is "hall."

What part of speech is haul?

In the sentence "I will haul the boxes," the word "haul" is a verb.

How do you pronounce haul?

Haul is pronounced 'hawl'.

How many flights per day in long haul short haul and medium haul typical aircraft?

about 20 times a day by tom haul

What is the definition of long haul and short haul?

long-haul = is a flight of over 3 hours short-haul = Is a flight of under 3 hours

What are limitations of tally?

Tally is not based on the web architecture. Its web enabled and not web based. Cannot handle large volume of data. Is an accounting cum inventory App. IS NOT AN ERP.

How to put haul in sentence?

He likes to haul things.

What is a homaphone for hall?

A homophone for "hall" is "haul."