the theme is basically that's pulling out the marigolds mark the end of innocence. actually there is no real theme i think. but her pulling the marigolds marks the end of innocence. I also think that the theme is hope (that's what my 9th grade honors English teacher said)
It took place in a poverty area shanty-town in Maryland. The time was during the Great Depression (1929-1939).
rich i dont know just thought i would ansewer your question
n. (Abbr. a. or adj.)The part of speech that modifies a noun or other substantive by limiting, qualifying, or specifying and distinguished in English morphologically by one of several suffixes, such as -able, -ous, -er, and -est, or syntactically by position directly preceding a noun or nominal phrase.Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as white in the phrase a white house.Taken from WikiAnswers: adjective
Well the one who swings or carries it is called a thurifer, but the act of swinging it would be called incensing or just censing.
The one word that describes this person is PERFECT ...
In "Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier, the main character describes her hometown as barren, impoverished, and devoid of beauty. One aspect that does not fit this description is the image of marigolds blooming vibrantly and beautifully in the midst of the desolation, symbolizing hope and resilience.
"Quarter" is a word meaning one fourth.
One word to describe brathing is INVOLUNTARY
Ah, I just did an experiment on that, and I know the answer ! Zucchinis are faster growers than marigolds. When I did my project, the size of the zucchini quadrupled the size of the marigolds in a matter of weeks. There is NO doubt in which one grows faster.
To restrain.