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balk, be remiss, break rules, contravene, counteract, dare, decline, defy, desert, differ, disagree, evade, flout, fly in face of, go counter to, ignore, infringe, insurrect, misbehave, mutiny, neglect, not heed, not listen, not mind, object, overstep, pay no attention to, rebel, recalcitrate, resist, revolt, revolution, revolutionize, riot, rise in arms, run riot, set aside, shirk, strike, take law into own hands, transgress, violate, withstand

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

defy, ignore, disregard, flout, violate, contravene, overstep, transgress

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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Defied, disregarded, or ignored.

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