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burn daylight, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally, fiddle about, fritter away time, goof off, kill time, linger, loiter, lollygag, lose time, pass the time, piddle, procrastinate, shilly-shally, take one's own sweet time, take one's time, tarry, while away the time. these are many answers to your question site u can find it all there

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

burn daylight, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally, fiddle about, fritter away time, goof off, kill time, linger, loiter, lollygag, lose time, pass the time, piddle, procrastinate, shilly-shally, take one's own sweet time, take one's time, tarry, while away the time. these are many answers to your question site u can find it all there

taken from: What_is_another_word_for_wastes_time

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Wild-goose chase

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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βˆ™ 16y ago


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Q: What is another word for wasted time?
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you just wasted time asking this question when another site like, hmm, GOOGLE, could have helped you.

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Time Well Wasted was created on 2005-08-16.

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Wasted Time - song - was created on 2003-10-20.

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another word for no time to play is buisy

Is wasted a verb?

yes because a verb is a doing word Every day I waste paper. Yesterday I wasted paper. No. I was feeling wasted, so I sat down. (wasted is an adjective)

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Wasted Time - Fuel song - was created on 2007-06-19.

What is a four letter word for not wasted?


Can you use another sentence for tenure?

His tenure was marred by the Great Depression. The time he spent in office was wasted because of the Great Depression.