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A bit more specific a form of a jumper cable. Instead of connecting to battery terminals, they typically plug in to a slave port in th vehicle.

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Q: What is a slave cable?
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Where is the slave cylinder located for a 1989 Ford Taurus sho?

Your 89 SHO has the same cable operated clutch as my 90 SHO. With a cable, there is no fluid and no master/slave cylinders for the clutch.

94 do's it have a cluch cable or is it a hydraulic slave?

Probably hydraulic.

What determines master or slave on ide ribbon cable?

The Jumper Settings

Does a 98 mustang GT have a slave cylinder?

no , cable operated clutch

What are the four possible configurations for a PATA drive installed in a system?

Primary Master Primary Slave Secondary Master Secondary Slave Primary or Secondary will depend on which cable are you using to connect the drive. Master or Slave will depend on the drive's jumper configuration.

What is a slave optical drive?

Well an optical drive is a cd/dvd disk drive. Slave means it is in the secondary position on an IDE cable. So a slave optical drive is a cd/dvd drive positioned secondary to a different device on a singular IDE cable.

How do you adjust clutch cable down on the motor for a 1987 GL1200?

There is no cable. Just a slave at the motor. No adjustments. Hyd. system

What is the role of jumper in installation of hard disk?

Jumpers are used with the IDE (aka P-ATA) drives (hard disks or other drives like DVD recorder) . There can be two drives on the same cable with this norm, a master and a slave. The controller of the disk need to know if it is supposed to be the master or the slave. Jumpers are set to this purpose. There is a special mode called "cable select" where the position on the cable determines the mode (disk at the end of the cable is master, disk in the middle of the cable is slave)

When using an 80-conductor cable-select cable the drive nearest the motherboard is the?

Answer: When using an 80-conductor cable-select cable, the drive nearest the motherboard is the master, and the drive farthest from the motherboard is the slave. You can recognize a cable-select cable by a small hole somewhere in the the data cable or by labels (master or slave) on the connectors. -CompTIA A+ Guide to Hardware, Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting Fifth Edition 2010 copyright - Jean Andrews, Ph.D.

Which gives the proper sequence for installing master and slave id drives?

Mount the drives in the carrier connect the 40-pin cable to the drives set the drive at the end of the cable to master set the drive in the middle of the cable to slave install the drives in the computer and configure the drives

When two drives connect to the same data cable how does bios know which is the master and slave?

depends on the BIOS and the Hardirves. Some older IDE drives have a switch or a jumper on them that u can select Master or Slave. Some computer you can change this in the BIOS. Master being the controller and slave being the controlled