Have you ever crossed the frontier?
The American frontier was a beautifully natural but also a very dangerous place.
A frontier is a border, the edge of a settled area, or an undeveloped area of research or study. Here are some sentences.Daniel Boon explored the frontier.We are at the frontier of cybernetics.Soldiers patrolled the frontier.
my frontier
The definition for "frontier" is as follows: frontier is receding to either (1) a line or border separating two countries or (2) a district near such a line.
the word rag in a sentence
The soldiers are always alert at the frontier. This is a sentence containing the word frontier.
Example sentence - Alaska is considered by many to be the last frontier of the west.
Space may be our final frontier.A sentence with the word frontier is, Margaret Thatcher did not roll back the frontiers of the State.
A frontier is a border, the edge of a settled area, or an undeveloped area of research or study. Here are some sentences.Daniel Boon explored the frontier.We are at the frontier of cybernetics.Soldiers patrolled the frontier.
the pioneers faced the challenge of settling the frontier with unyielding courage
Have you ever crossed the frontier.
The word frontier is a noun. The plural is frontiers. Frontier can also be used as an adjective.
The earth can rotate on its axis.
There is no plural noun. The two nouns in the sentnece are life and family. The word family is a singular noun, the plural form is families. The word life is a singular noun, the plural form is lives. Actually, using either or both plurals (lives, families) would not change the meaning of the sentence.
The word "frontier" can function as a noun. It refers to a geographical area at the edge of settled lands or to a boundary between countries or regions.
it means it has a border around it, or that is had well-defined frontier