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Workers who have undergone a period of training which is shorter than a full apprenticeship for a trade or who have learned only a limited part of a trade.

Semi-skilled work -- Semiskilled occupations are more complex than unskilled work and distinctly simpler than the more highly skilled types of jobs. They contain more variables and require more judgment than do unskilled occupations. Even though semiskilled occupations require more than 30 days to learn, the content of work activities in some semiskilled jobs may be little more than unskilled. Therefore, close attention must be paid to the actual complexities of the job in dealing with data, people, or objects and to the judgments required to do the work.

Examples of semi-skilled jobs are:

  • chauffer
  • room service waiter
  • carpenter
  • nurse's aide
  • administrative assistant

Semi skilled labour are people who are able to work with adequate supervision, they have enough mastery of the task at hand to not have to be supervised constantly but would not be considered a craftsman. There is only minimal job certification if any at all required by positions filled by semi-skilled workers. ( Nurses aides) These positions are normally filled by people who managed to graduate from HS but did not complete college.
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