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A circle graph is a pie chart

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Q: What is a real world example of a circle graph?
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A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.

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الزكاء الاصطناعي

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The number line is a graph of the?

There is a similar question which was answered as graph of real numbers. It could also be a graph of the line y=0, or a graph of the x-axis.

What are real life examples of a line graph?

Well real life examples of a line graph can be the comparison of people in your city per day, or the amount of words you write in a different time. There are so many real life actions that can be put into a basic line graph to be compared. Or maybe how long it takes for you to type, that's another example.

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a example of a hendecagon is a hedecagon

Can you give me some REAL world examples?

A real world example of what? Math in general? Geometry nets? Name the math concept and it'll be easier for readers to give you a real world example.