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Q: What is a reactionary in social studies?
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What is Reactionary conservatism?

Reactionary conservatism is a political ideology that seeks to preserve traditional social hierarchies and institutions by opposing social change and progressive reforms. It is characterized by a desire to return to a previous era and resist advancements in society such as civil rights or gender equality.

Is social studies a proper noun?

When it is the name of a course or part of a book title, Social Studies is a proper noun. For most other uses, social studies is a common noun. Example uses: Your school requires that you take a social studies course each year. I get my highest grades in social studies. You must take Social Studies I and Social Studies II, but Social Studies III is optional.

Is the correct term you teach Social Studies or you teach social studies?

social studies subjects are never capitalizied

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When was Social Studies of Science created?

Social Studies of Science was created in 1971.

What is the Tagalog of the word reactionary?

Tagalog of the word reactionary: reaksyon

Is studied a proper noun?

When it is the name of a course or part of a book title, Social Studies is a proper noun. For most other uses, social studies is a common noun. Example uses: Your school requires that you take a social studies course each year. I get my highest grades in social studies. You must take Social Studies I and Social Studies II, but Social Studies III is optional.

What are 7 grade social studies words that begin with the letter I?

Unemployment is a social studies word. Urban is a social studies word.

Do you capitalize social studies in social studies text?

Yes, "Social Studies" should be capitalized in a formal context such as in social studies texts.

What is nature of social studies?

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What a social studies word that starts with Go?

Government is a social studies word.

When was Social Movement Studies created?

Social Movement Studies was created in 2002.