You may be thinking of the person who cuts or works with glass, known as a glazier. This job is performed by a skilled, guild-recognized craftsperson.
I hope this helps.
A person who fits glass on windows is a glazier.A GLAZIER fits windows with glass.GlazierA person who installs glass in windows is a glazier.
A person who fits glass into windows and doors
glaziers replace windows
Atheism is lack of belief in gods. A person who fits into that description is called an atheist.
A glazier.
The expression "If the shoe fits" means that if something suits a person then the person should "wear the shoe that fits" and accept that it suits them and works for them.
it starts with gl Iam not sure as weel
Apparenty not... it complains of wanting Windows 95 or later, but does not seem to recognize that Windows 7 fits that description.