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there hobby is to run.

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Q: What is a meerkats hobby?
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Why are meerkats meerkats?

they aren't endangered.

Are meerkats endangerd?

No, meerkats are not an endangered species.

Where are meerkats found the most?

I like meerkats :)

Why is a Meerkat called a Meerkat?

Meerkats are called Meerkats because they look like cats and they are called a type of meer. So that's why they call Meerkats, Meerkats.

How tall are meerkats?

meerkats are 9.75 to 11.75 inches

What is the structural adaptation of meerkats?

wha is a meerkats structural?

Are meerkats relly cats?

No, meerkats are a type of mongoose.

What do meerkats have to look out for?

meerkats look out for their enemys ,deers

When do meerkats go to sleep?

Meerkats sleep when there tired..

Are gerbils related to meerkats?

I don't think gerbils are related to meerkats. I know mongooses are related to meerkats if that helps.

Does Europe have meerkats?

Meerkats are native to Southern Africa, so no.

Do meerkats have prey?

Grubs, bugs and insects are Meerkats' prey.