A "werewolf".
A mythical creature that is half horse and half human is called a centaur. In Greek mythology, centaurs are known for their strength and wild nature, often depicted as living in forests and engaging in battles.
snack bar
A half-animal, half-human creature is often referred to as a "chimera" or "hybrid." In mythology and folklore, such beings are typically depicted as having aspects of both species, such as a centaur (half horse, half human) or a mermaid (half fish, half human). These creatures are used as symbols to explore the intersection of human and animal nature.
A bit.Werewolves are not real. But if they were real then, yes they would be half human, half wolf.
Half human-half dog is called a youkai. half human-half fox is called kitsune
A half fairy and half human is typically referred to as a "half-faerie" or "half-fey".
There is no fantasy creature that is half horse half human and NOT called a centaur.
it is a centaurs
A Sphinx
A "werewolf".
A snack is so called because it is a snack which is suppose to be eaten little for a filling for a hour or two.
A zac
no half vampire half human and she got called renesmee