Yes. there is. a man named Jerimah Hacker made his own trail in the 1800's. he wrote it=down on a map for all to use.=
What makes a skilled hacker is the amount of knowledge he has and how good his creativity is, imagine playing chess against a skilled and clever player rather then playing chess with an unskilled player.
The formula, as far as I can see, is not appropriate for the algorithm.
Christopher Loyd.
First, let's look at what they mean. Ubiquitous means everywhere. Pervasive means "diffused throughout every part of." In computing terms, those seem like somewhat similar concepts. Ubiquitous computing would be everywhere, and pervasive computing would be in all parts of your life. That might mean the difference between seeing kiosks on every street corner and finding that you could -- or need to -- use your Palm handheld to do absolutely every information-based task. And, in fact, that's where the difference between these two types of computing lies. Pervasive computing involves devices like handhelds -- small, easy-to-use devices -- through which we'll be able to get information on anything and everything. That's the sort of thing that Web-enabled cell phones promise. Ubiquitous computing, though, eschews our having to use computers at all. Instead, it's computing in the background, with technology embedded in the things we already use. That might be a car navigation system that, by accessing satellite pictures, alerts us to a traffic jam ahead, or an oven that shuts off when our food is cooked. Where IBM is a leader in the pervasive computing universe -- it has a whole division, aptly called the Pervasive Computing division, devoted to it -- Xerox started the ubiquitous thing back in 1988. Ubiquitous computing "helped kick off the recent boom in mobile computing research," notes its inventor, Mark Weiser, who came out with the concept at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, "although it is not the same thing as mobile computing, nor a superset nor a subset." That means that people who use ubiquitous computing to mean computing anytime, anyplace -- to describe hordes on a street corner checking their stock prices until the "walk" light comes on or efforts to dole out laptops to all students on a college campus -- aren't using the rightterm. We don't really need to use either one. I'd be happy to call pervasive computing mobile computing, and to call ubiquitous computing embedded or invisible or transparent computing -- or even just built-in functions. Besides, until either ubiquitous or pervasive computing is anywhere and everywhere, those alternatives seem more accurate.
In computing terms, LAN stands for (L)ocal (A)rea (N)etwork.
formula for computing square of number n is n*n or n2
The term hacker has a double meaning within the field of computing. A hacker can be a genuine expert of computer software and hardware. The other known meaning of hacker is someone who breaks into computer security networks for a reason of their own, basically they break the law in doing so.
Process management in terms of computing is allocating resources in the operating system so that processes such as information exchange and sharing can be completed.
personal computer
Cold start in computing terms mean to start a computer programme from the very beginning. It is a potential problem in the computer based information system.
Many websites offer a description of cloud computing and put it in simple terms. is one such website. It has Question and Answer section.
web based computing is nothing but a transaction done by through online, n the trade n non trading concern done their business on through online n maintaining book of accounts through internet....
A few common names for mobile computing are nomadic computing and mobile communication. The terms just basically mean the ability to use mobile communication while you are on the go.
Advanced Technology eXtended. It is a formfactor and the successor to AT.
GUI in computing terms - stands for Graphical User Interface.
RAM in computing terms stands for Random Access Memory.