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An groud stroke is a forehand or backhand that the ball is lower than a regular shot when you hit it. It usually has topspin.

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Q: What is a ground stroke?
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Is there a penalty if the ball moves when you ground your club?

yes a one stroke penalty

Are you allowed to ground your club in a bunker?

No, you are not allowed to ground your club in the bunker unless you are taking the actual stroke. If you ground the club in a practice swing or prior to taking the stroke it is a two shot penalty.

What is the average ground stroke speed in mens tennis?

Average Top Spin Ground stroke speed is 62 MPH on the pro tour, and average Slice speed is 46 MPH. some ground strokes have reached above 105 MPH, But on average rally speed is 62 MPH Tennis Professional J R A

How many mph does a 100 cc 4 stroke go?

None, if it is not moving, in neutral gear on level ground.

What condition is caused by the extreme leaking or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain?

This is a stroke - and today there are 10 levels of a stroke - starting with 3 levers of a TIA (transient ischemic attack). TIA's never leave permenant damage. There are 4 levels of a TIA - and 6 levels of a stroke - from mild to a level 10 stroke in which you are dead before you hit the ground (a major blood vein has burst in your brain).

What is golf stroke when you hit the ground before the ball?

A chunk, or people may say you caught it fat, or if it bounces off the ground then the club hits the ball it is known as a drop kick.

How do you identify a stroke?

WEll you get a pain in your chest and you fall to the ground and start shaking. and after your body parts stop working gooder

What is a 350 bored 60 over with 6 inch rods and 3.75 stroke using stock crank?

The stroke of a crankshaft is determined by the way it is ground at the factory. You can't make a 3.75 stroke from a stock crank. If you bought a 3.75 stroke crank and put it into a 60 over 350 block, you'd have a 388. Rod length does not effect the size of an engine.

What is the 2nd wire coming from the spark plug wire on a 43cc scooter engine2 stroke?

Perhaps ground wire to Kill engine

Is a Honda 125 bigger than a Honda 230 4 stroke?

The Honda 125 is not bigger than a Honda 230 4 Stroke if the only difference is the size of the motor. The Honda 125 is actually a taller motorcycle than the Honda 230 4 Stroke when size is considered in inches from the ground to the seat.