"would you like to dance with me?"
You ask them.
Ask him to go with you to the dance.
I want good boy dance names
i love you sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer If you have such a crush on this boy, why don't you ask him to dance with you it's better than waiting for him to ask you.
You me Winter formal Dance, now!
Say, do you want to dance?
yes, you should ask him out! and if you feel to nervous to ask him then have someone who is one of your closest friends, but also knows this boy! Good luck!! Best of wishes ~Clarke A Hooper~
go up to a the boy be calm and just ask and if he said no there are more fish in the sea
Just get up the nerve, get them alone and ask them "Would you like to go the dace with me?" or " Would you be me date to the dance?"
I think his name was Tyler but I do kno it was the black boy who did not ask her to the spring dance