Rats... that's why it's called a rat snake.
There is no recognised species called a 'brown rat snake' - HOWEVER - Members of the Rat snake family are constrictors - not venomous.
That depends. The term black snake can apply to many different species of snake. The black rat snake, Pantherophis obsoletus, sometimes called the black snake, is indeed a rat snake.
Rat snakes and gopher snakes are very good mimics of rattlesnake behavior.
The longest black snake in North America is named the black rat snake. The record size recorded of this black rat snake is eight feet in length. Which makes the black rat snake is the record longest.
Rat snakes are generally black whereas corn snakes are orangey yellowy and look like ground up corn.
Rat snakes are not venomous.
No - the rat snake family are non-venomous species, that subdue their prey by constriction.
Give the rat to a nice rat rescue.
A rat could eat a snake.