

What is a fertilized embryo?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is a fertilized embryo?
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What is the order of development in which these go - fetus - fertilized egg - embryo?

fertilized egg,embryo, and fetus

What happens to fertilized egg?

The fertilized egg becomes an embryo and later becomes a fetus.

What develops into a trophoblast?

Certain cells of a fertilized embryo.

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When does gametes become embryo's?

When they are fertilized. Gametes are the eggs or sperm

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Why are twins formed from the same embryo?

When the embryo gets fertilized, it sometimes splits into two, making an identical twin.

What does the embryo develop from?

The embryo develops from a fertilized egg, which is formed when a sperm fertilizes an egg cell during sexual reproduction. The fertilized egg undergoes cell division and differentiation to form the various tissues and organs of the developing embryo.

What happens to the embryo when the hen lays the egg?

When a hen lays a fertilized egg, there is no embryo inside. Embryo's only start to form once they are incubated.

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When a fertilized egg divides and forms a ball of cells it is known as what?

an embryo

What is the name for the fertilized ovum?

The correct term for a fertilised ova is an embryo.