There is combustion leak detection kit that uses a blue liquid that turns yellow if combustion gasses are entering cooling system. I'm sure that's what ur referring to
A dye test will tell you if your head is damaged in the event of a blown head gasket. It turns colors anywhere it is leaking on the head, hence where any cracks would be.
have a leak down test done its more reliable,
What kind of dye is it? Because you can probably dye your head fuchsia with rit dye if they have it in that color. :)
classic symptoms of a blown head gasket.... have someone crank engine while you look at fluid with radiator cap off..see if bubbles come out ,that indicates combustion gases escaping into cooling system. also, see you tube video about combustion leak put blue dye in radiator, you pump syringe device ,to circulate dye....if blue dye turns yellow, you have blown head can buy a combustion leak detector on internet for about 30.00 including shipping ,dye and everything.
Yes you can Dye your head similarly to how people get tattoos on their head.
No, hair dye will just color the head lice.
a Buick
i tried and it sucked
You can't dye it, unfortunately. If you had a white plastic head, then sure.
yes you can