The word "country" has two syllables.
There are three syllables like so: con-ti-nent.
Peru is a South American country with a name that is 4 letters long.
Afghanistan United States
Two syllables : san/dy (normally pronounced "SANN-dee")
The word "country" has two syllables.
"Optimistic" has 4 syllables.
4 syllables
There are 4 syllables in the word especially.
It has 4 syllables. Con-tin-u-ing.
The word "country" has two syllables.
4 syllables am- phi- bi- an
as·tron·o·myThus, there are4 4 syllables in astronomy.4 syllables.
Syllables In TemperatureThere are 4 syllables in temperature. It is divided like this: tem-per-a-ture
There are 4 syllables in "Stationary". Stationary (Stay-Shun-air-ee) 4 syllables
There are four syllables. Tech-nol-o-gy.
4 syllables