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are unable to interbreed with a diploid plant.

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3mo ago

Polyploidy is a condition where an organism has more than two sets of chromosomes. Polyploid plants often have larger cells, leaves, and fruits compared to diploid plants. They may also have increased genetic diversity, which can result in different adaptations and potentially improved resilience to environmental stress.

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14y ago

polyploidy is a condition where an organism has extra sets of chromosomes. polyploid plants are often larger and stronger than diploid plants

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11y ago

they tend to be bigger and stronger

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Q: What is polyploidy and how are polyploid plants different from diploid plants?
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What types of organisms are polyploid?

Polyploidy can be found in many types of organisms, including plants, fish, amphibians, and some invertebrates. Polyploidy is less common in mammals but has been observed in some species such as mice and humans.

Organisms with three or more sets of chromosomes are called?

Organisms with three or more sets of chromosomes are called polyploids. Polyploidy can occur naturally or be induced in plants and some animals. It can lead to changes in gene expression and potentially new traits.

What advantage does polyploidy give to a plant breeder?

Polyploidy can increase genetic diversity and provide opportunities for plant breeders to create new varieties with enhanced traits such as improved yield, disease resistance, and stress tolerance. It can also facilitate the development of hybrid plants with desirable characteristics by enabling the combination of multiple gene sets. Additionally, polyploidy can lead to the creation of seedless varieties, which is advantageous for certain crops.

What organisms with three or more sets of chromosomes called?

Organisms with three or more sets of chromosomes are called polyploids. This can occur in plants and some animals, where multiple sets of chromosomes are present in each cell. Polyploidy can result from errors in cell division or hybridization between different species.

What are some characteristics of polyplodiy plants?

Polyploid plants are often larger and have other accentuated characteristics, making them useful in agriculture (bigger seeds) and horticulture (larger flowers) Polyploidy may also cause seedless fruits which is a commercial benefit (banana, seedless watermelons, seedless grapes)

How do results of polyploidy differ in plants and animals?

In plants, polyploidy can often lead to increased size, vigor, and complexity due to the presence of multiple sets of chromosomes. This can result in larger flowers, fruits, and overall plant size. In contrast, polyploidy in animals is less common, and can often lead to infertility or genetic abnormalities due to challenges in meiosis and reproduction.

How does polyploidy effect animals humans and plants?

Polyploidy in animals is rare and often detrimental, leading to abnormalities and sterility. In plants, polyploidy can lead to increased size, vigor, and sometimes new traits due to duplicated genes. In humans, polyploidy is usually not compatible with life and results in miscarriages or birth defects.

A common means of speciation in plants but not in animal is?


Is there evidence of a species evolving into another species in recorded time?

Go to, and you will find 29 instances of speciation recorded in modern times. Think of polyploidy in plants and you will see that speciation is happening under your nose all the time. You eat breakfast, lunch and dinner on polyploid species

Polyploidy is better tolerated in plants than in animals?


What is a polyploid animal?

Diploid: adj. 1 Double or twofold. 2 Having a homologous pair of chromosomes for each characteristic except sex, the total number of chromosomes being twice that of a gamete.-n 1. a diploid cell. 2. An individual characterized by a diploid chromosome number.It has two copies of each chromosome.

What is multiploid?

Multiploid refers to an organism or cell that contains multiple sets of chromosomes (more than the usual diploid number). This can occur naturally in some plants and animals or can be induced in the laboratory for research purposes. Multiploid organisms may exhibit different characteristics compared to their diploid counterparts.