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Answer 1

A buoy is anything that's used to provide flotation (buoyancy) to another object.

Some buoys are tethered and allow navigational aids to float in place, others (sonobuoys, radiobuoys) are free-floating or tethered to objects suspended in the water column (like fishing nets).

More examples are listed below, all of them have the common purpose of providing buoyancy.


Answer 2

A buoy is a floating object in the water that is anchored to the bottom of the body of water.

Bouys have two main purposes.

The primary purpose is a navigation aid. They mark channels into harbors and deep water channels in rivers as well as mark off hazards and specific areas. "Red, Right, Returning" is a phrase that sailors use to remember that the red bouys should be on the starboard side of the channel and the green ones on the left when coming into the harbor. They may or may not have lights and/or sound devices (a bell being common) on them.

There is also the anchor or mooring bouy that is found in harbors and lakes so that the owner of the bouy's boat can attach a rope for mooring purposes.

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