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One mammal i know of is the bat it only hunts at night also its an mammal.

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15y ago
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13y ago

bats are the only mammals in can think of since owls are birds

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12y ago

There are many birds that are nocturnal; they are active at night. They include owls, nighthawks and whip-poor-wills.Many all kinds of Owls ,nighthawks and Swallows .

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10y ago

Owls and nightjars fly at night.

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11y ago

Nocturnal animals hunt at night.

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11y ago

Bats live in caves and fly at night.

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12y ago

it is owls

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12y ago


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The owl

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Q: What birds fly at night?
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Do birds fly at night?

Generally birds do not fly at night. However certain species do - owls, ducks and gulls. Migrating birds sometimes have to fly at night.

How do birds fly at night?

exactly the same as they fly at day.

Why birds don't fly at Night?

Birds can't fly at night because it's really dark so they might bump into something or there blind

Why birds can't fly at night?

they cant fly at night because their eye sight is only for day

Why do birds have the capacity to fly?

Cause u touch yourself at night

Do dinosaurs fly in day or night?

well dinosaurs don't fly only a certain type and those fly in the day and nightANS2:The term "dinosaur" applies to members of the superorder Dinosauria, (some include birds in this superorder). Pterosaurs (literally "Winged Lizard") are not included in this superorder. Now, to answer your question, dinosaurs did not fly. If you accept that birds are members of Dinosauria then, they did. Birds fly in the day and the night.

What two things do feathers provide for birds?

protection and warmth at night, and the ability to fly

Which Bird only flies in the daytime?

Robins and blue birds

Where do birds go at night?

most birds fly up into the trees and sleep there...

Why only birds fly?

It is not only birds that fly. Bats fly and they are not birds.

Which animals flies at night?

Bats are animals that fly at night. They use echolocation to navigate and find prey in the dark.

What birds can't walk?

birds can walk .. how do they start get ready to fly ? you dont see birds flying when its night time ? but some birds live on branches , but i dont think some birds cant walk .. i donno .. -MimiRules