

Best Answer

Prefer, tasteful, to care.

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Q: What is a better word to use than like?
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How do you use word than correctly?

you use the word "than' like '' i like this better than that!''you use ''then'' like ''it was bettter than that!!

What are other words to use than said?

said is a better word. ))

How do you use the word opinion in a sentence?

My opinion is that nikes are better than converses.

What is a better word than desolve?

just use desolve :) easy peasy

How do you use the word snobbish in a sentence?

Snobbish people are not usually well liked. She was very snobbish, acting like she is better than everyone else.

Use like in a sentence?

You just gave a sentence with "like" in it. Theres your answer. Others: I think I like Cherry Pie. I like Peeta better than Gale. I like Barbie better than Bratz. I like Nicki Minaj better than Lil Wayne

How do you use the word outstrip in a sentence?

he will always out strip (be better than) me. Standre Moss :)

Do you like to use the toilet?

Using the toilet is better than the alternative.

Nataly is a better cook than you pronouns?

You must use THAN with comparisons. The Pronoun is YOU. THEN is a totally different word.

Why is MS Word is better than Wordpad?

Microsoft Word is a full-featured word processor. Wordpad is much more limited in what it can do compared to Microsoft Word. For very simple documents you could use Wordpad. It has basic formatting such as fonts and colours and sizes. It does not have facilities like spell checkers or mail merge. It is better than a text editor, but not as good as a full word processor. It comes as part of Windows, whereas you have to buy Microsoft Word, which is part of Microsoft Office. Microsoft costs, because you can do so much with it, so it is much better to use as a wordprocessor than Wordpad.

How do you use the word effeciently in a sentence?

The system was more efficient and ran better than its predecessor.

Use the word Renaissance in a sentence?

The music of the baroque is far better than the music of the renaissance.