The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nerves that is an extension of the central nervous system from the brain and is enclosed in and protected by the bony vertebral column (aka. the back bones). The main function of the spinal cord is transmission of neural inputs between the periphery (legs, arms, torso, etc) and the brain.
In summary, the term spinal cord is correct medical/anatomical language. There is no better way of naming this structure of the body.
I think all the person asked for is it's medical name and that is "myel-"
jdjdeojegh jdjdeojegh
Tethered Spinal Cord is a condition where the spinal cord is attached to the spinal column and that causes the cord to become stretched.
spinal cord
spinal cord
the spinal cord
As Stern as a spinal cord
What does spinal cord mean?
A C2 spinal cord injury is an injury to the 2nd spinal segment in the cervical section of the spinal cord.
Spinal cord infarction (sometimes called spinal stroke ) refers to injury to the spinal cord due to oxygen deprivation.
Spinal cord therapy
spinal cord