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A United States Marine is a highly motivated and truly dedicated servicemember intent on spending his or her life fighting for their country. The Marine is an individual taken from their civilian lives and transformed into a fierce warrior, standing ready to defend their Nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestice. They swear to support and defend their constitution and bare true faith and allegiance to the same. They've been called "Leathernecks," they've been called "Devil Dogs." They've raised our flag, and our hopes. They stand as few against many. If you are interested in learning about the opportunities available in the Marine Corps, contact your local recruiter or simply call 1.800.MARINES. Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful).

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Q: What is a US Marine?
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The Pride of being a US Marine.

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"Marine One" ~ see related link below .

Can a Canadian become a US Marine?

Yes, a Canadian can serve in the US military as a Marine. Get a passport, be in shape, and contact a US Marine Recruiter: luck!

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Marine life is affected by pollution.The US Marine was attacked outside of Starbucks. The zoo set up a marine exhibit with donations from the US Marines.

How do you be like a US Marine?

Go ask your local Marine Corps recruiter.

How many years do you have to go to college to be a US Marine?

No college is required to enlist in the US Marine Corps, a High School diploma is all that is needed. To be a US Marine officer, a Bachelors degree is pretty much required.

Wear the US Army CIB on a US Marine uniform?

No the CIB is a an Army award and not transferrable to the Marine Core dress uniform.