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A Lamborghini is made for people who want the best in performance and who will not accept compromises in quality or performance, they are also looking for unique style that says HERE I AM!

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Q: What is a Lamborghini made for?
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What year was the lamborghini made?

Lamborghini was made by the italian Ferrucio Lamborghini in 1963.

Where is a Lamborghini made?

A Lamborghini is made in Sant-Agata, Italy.Italy.

Who made the car Lamborghini?

Ferruccio Lamborghini

What was the first Lamborghini made?

The true first Lamborghini was the Lamborghini L33, a tractor made in 1950. Eventually the first Lamborghini car was made, the Lamborghini 350 GT which was unveiled in the March 1963 Geneva Motor Show.

Who made the first Lamborghini Gallardo?

Ferruccio Lamborghini

Who created the lamborghini?

lamborghini is owned by volkswagen and so they created it. the first lamborghini was made particularly by erruco lamborghini

Who manufactures the Lamborghini?

Ferruccio Lamborghini made the first Lamborghini, and his company, Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A., continues to make them today.

What is the name of the fastest lamborghini ever made?

The Lamborghini revoton

When was the lamborghini reventon made?

The Reventon was made in 2007 to celebrate a 25% sales increase for Lamborghini.

When was the first lamborghini made?

The First Lamborghini was made in 1963 by Ferruccio Lamborghini, The Lamborghini is made out of Carbon Fiber, Except the roof and I believe the doors, too. SV on the Lamborghini Gallardo SV, is Italian for Super Veloce. It's also on the Lamborghini Diablo (Diablo is spanish for 'devil') SV, where it originally got it's name.

Who made the first ever Lamborghini?

Ferruccio Lamborghini, the founder of the company.

When was Lamborghini sports cars first made?

Furruccio Lamborghini owned Oscas, Maseratis and Ferraris but was always disappointed with them. So that's why he made his first Lamborghini the Lamborghini "350 GTV" prototype in 1963.