What are the Beaver ABC's?
A- animal H- hard P- Pees alot W-wired B- bivores I-Jonaca Q-
Quiet they are not X- Xtranious (is that a word???) C- constuct K-
killed R- retarded mamals Y- yellow D- dam L-large S- stupid Z-
Zagtif E- enginire M- mammal T- tough F- food N- North America U-
understanding G- grow O- obvious V- Very loud HEYYYYY PEOPLES HOWS
IT HANGIN'?????????? Beaver none, beaver 1, lets all have some
beaver fun beaver 2, beaver 3, lets all climb the beaver tree
beaver 4, beaver 5, lets all do the beaver jive beaver 6, beaver 7,
lets all go to beaver heaven