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500- tens of thousands depending on the specifics

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Q: What is a 1903 springfield rifle in excellent condition worth?
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This rifle (Mauser Model 2000) is worth $350 in excellent condition.

What is the value of a Winchester 422 pellet rifle in excellent condition?

It would be worth around $55 in Excellent condition.

How much is a 1869 sharps rifle worth?

2100 in fair condition. 4750 in excellent condition. That is for the carbine. The longer rifle....add 2000 to 5000 for excellent.

What is the value of a 1889 springfield rifle?

The Springfield Trapdoor series of rifles vary in value based on condition and type. Condition includes the state of the wood, bore, metal, action and level of originality. An 1899 Springfield Trapdoor in excellent to museum grade condition can fetch thousands of dollars. Fair condition rifles can be worth around 700$ or more as of July 2014.

What is the value of a Winchester 425 air rifle in excellent condition?

In excellent condition it would be worth between $90 - $105

How valuble is a springfield 174 30-30 pump rifle?

Springfield/Savage Model 170, 30-30 Pump Rifle in great condition is worth $250-$275, Excellent Same as new condition $300 dollars. Makes a great collection piece and a great brush gun with plenty of knock down for deer.

What is a Remington 03A3 Sporterized 30-06 worth in good condition?

That is a Springfield rifle I believe.

How much is your 22 haenel 303 air rifle worth its in excellent condition?

In Excellent condition it would be worth $90 to $105. It was made between 1969 and 1993

How much is a Springfield 16 gauge single shot worth?

How much a Springfield 16-gauge single shot is worth largely depends on the condition of the rifle. In good condition, it is valued at about 70 US dollars.

How much is the springfield model 83 rifle worth?

in good condition anywhere from 70-125 bucks

How much is World War 2 Springfield rifle worth?

depending on condition, anywhere from $250-$900.

What is the value of 1878 us springfield rifle?

The value is the rifle is worth somewhere between $200 and $250. The exact amount will depend upon the condition of the rifle.