Red rover (his version obviously) :-P
Shane Lee was born on August 8, 1973.
Shane Andrews was born on August 28, 1971.
Shane Harwood was born on March 1, 1974.
Shane Lynch was born on July 3, 1976.
Shane Dawson's birthday is July 18th or 19th. His birthday is July 19th, same as mine.
Shane's favourite animal is a dog.
Shane dawsons house
Shane dawsons favorite food is a banana! (wierd)
Shane doesn't have a website, only Smosh does. But his YouTube channel is called "ShaneDawsonTV".
Red rover (his version obviously) :-P
December 18, 1987
Shane's grandma died of old age, or something else. I'm not really sure but look in one of his might have info in it
Shane dawsons father was scared of being a dad so he left and never came back.
shanes moms name is NO1 CARES lol jk its daphney