John of God is the patron saint of:against Alcoholism
against bodily ills
against sickness
dying people
heart patients
hospital workers
sick people
Tultepec, Mexico
Saint John of God is the patron saint of heart patients.
The patron saint of heart patients is Saint John of God.
No, Saint John of God is not the patron saint of booksellers. He is the patron saint of the sick, nurses, firefighters, and alcoholics.
Saint John of God is the patron saint of:against alcoholismagainst bodily illsagainst sicknessalcoholicsbookbindersbooksellersdying peoplefirefightersheart patientshospitalshospital workersnursespublishersprinterssick peopleTultepec, Mexico
St. John of God is the patron saint of:against alcoholismagainst bodily illsagainst sicknessalcoholicsbookbindersbooksellersdying peoplefirefightersheart patientshospitalshospital workersnursespublishersprinterssick peopleTultepec, Mexico
Sorry, but you are out of luck. The only patron saint for those with heart problems is St. John of God.
Mary the Mother of God is the patron saint of Kentucky.
Well, darling, the patron saint of printing is good ol' Saint John of God. He's the go-to guy for all your printing needs, apparently. So next time your printer acts up, just say a little prayer to Saint John of God and hope for the best.
Saint John of God was a Portuguese-born mendicant friar who became known for his compassionate care for the sick and poor. He founded the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, a religious order dedicated to serving the needy. He is now considered the patron saint of hospitals, the sick, nurses, and firefighters.
Mary, the Mother of God is the patron saint of the human race.
Patron saints of the dying are:Abel the Patriarch Barbara Benedict of Nursia Catherine of Alexandria Dismas James the Lesser John of God Joseph Margaret of Antioch Michael the Archangel Nicholas of Tolentino Sebastian Veronica
St. John of God is the patron saint of heart patients. St. Raphael is the patron St. of healing and medicine. St. Luke, St. Cosmos, St. Damian, and St. Panteleimon are patron saints of medicine.