The hottest day in Muskegon, MI was on July 13, 1936, with a record high temperature of 105°F (40.6°C).
Hottest Time of the Day was created on 2008-08-29.
The hottest day ever in Wee Waa is not listed. The hottest day ever in January in Wee Waa is listed as 1/16/1979.
In the Sahara Desert in 1916 the temperature rised to 136 degress Fahrenheit!!
It's very close, but the hottest year is 2010, with a 0.659° Celsius anomaly (difference from the 1901-2000 average).The ten warmest years on record have been:2010200519982003200220062009200720042012
The hottest day on record for Richmond, Virginia was July 10, 1936 when the temperature reached 107°F (41.7°C).
The hottest day in Muskegon, MI was on July 13, 1936, with a record high temperature of 105°F (40.6°C).
134°F (56.7°C) in Death Valley, CA.
Many places in Western Australia, South Australia and western Queensland record extremes of heat on Christmas Day, but there are no official figures for the hottest Christmas Day anywhere on record in Australia. Locals in the Pilbara region of Western Australia speak of a day in the early 1980s when the temperature touched on 50 degrees Celsius.
In April 1998, Vietnam reported 105 degrees F (40.6 C).
The hottest New York summer on record is this summer, with an average temperature of 77.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
The hottest day on record varies by location and differs each year. For example, in the US, July 10, 1913, in Death Valley, California, holds the record with a high of 134°F (56.7°C). Globally, according to the World Meteorological Organization, July 10, 1913 is also the hottest day recorded on Earth.
Hottest Time of the Day was created on 2008-08-29.
The hottest day ever in Wee Waa is not listed. The hottest day ever in January in Wee Waa is listed as 1/16/1979.
yes; "You are the hottest person i have ever seen!"i am the hottest person alive.this is the hottest day of the year!