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The biggest problem that JavaScript has with the browsers is that the language is not the same between them.

This comes from the fact that for a very long time, there was no standardized definition of the language.

In 1995, (the early days of the "Browser Wars") Netscape released the first version of JavaScript as part of its ongoing competition with Microsoft's internet Explorer. As was the case in those day, Microsoft quickly developed a similar client-side language (JScript) for use in its browsers. The languages were similar in function and form, but were not duplicates of one another.

This caused a phenomenon to occur know as "code-forking." To get a webpage to display and behave correctly, you had to code it for Netscape, then code it for Internet Explorer, and often you would have to code for separate versions of those browsers. Then a web developer would have to code some means of identifying which browser you were using and route you to the appropriate page.

This was a maintenance nightmare. So, the W3C and the European Computer Manufacturers Association created a standardized version of a JavaScript-like, client-side language called ECMAScript in 1997.

The latest version of this standard is ECMA-262 ed 5.1. Virtually all manufacturers now claim to be compliant with the standard, although there are legacy quirks. (I won't go so far as to say they're lying--but "compliance" has to be stretched pretty far in this case.)

These quirks still haunt us. To get Internet Explorer to register an event handler, for instance, I have to use the addEventListener() method. If I'm working in a Webkit or Gecko browser, I use the ECMA standard, which is attachEvent().

There'd be a lot more complaining if it wasn't for the fact that most JavaScript frameworks (jQuery, Ext, Prototype, etc.) hide the complexity of dealing with this from me. In fact, in my opinion as a web developer, this layer of abstraction is exactly why these frameworks are so popular.

The W3C is working currently on a new version of ECMAScript that they're calling "Harmony." I have my doubts it will get done, but if it does, it will likely bring the browser manufacturers even closer to true compliance.

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all browsers are capable of running javascript, and registering for facebook. you probably need to enable javascript on your browser which to tell you how i would need to know which browser you are using

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No it can't, this is the difference between Java and JavaScript (which don't have that much to do with one-another) Java is more like C in that it can on the web-server or on any computer really, but it is not like JavaScript which runs inside a sandbox inside the browser.

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As long as there is support for it, Javascript will work on all browsers and all Operating Systems

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Not easily, browsers block that kind of thing deliberately.Try an iframe, using Javascript to change the source as needed. Some browsers will give a pop-up asking whether you want to allow this, others will require that you change the browser security settings.The easiest way to include content from other sites is to forgo the Javascript and do it on the server.

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JavaScript is just a language. It's far from restricted to web browsers. Such examples of offline JavaScript use include AIR <> or even a standalone V8 <> engine.

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Javascript can be enabled or disabled in the browsers settings. You might currently have it turned off.

You are creating a web page you want to ensure users who have older browsers that cannot display javascript can still view your home page how should you proceed?

Just enclose all your scripts in <!-- --> So for example: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Your script here --> </script> That way, older browsers will skip the script part, while current browsers will just execute the script without any problem.