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D-Day was the code name for the Allied forces of Britain and Commonwealth and the USA to invade Nazi occupied France and to start the liberation of Europe. Literally the turning point of WW2 in Europe, this forced the surrender of Germany within a year.

D-Day was the code name for the Allied forces of Britain and Commonwealth and the USA to invade Nazi occupied France and to start the liberation of Europe. Literally the turning point of WW2 in Europe, this forced the surrender of Germany within a year.

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10y ago

D-Day was the code name for the Allied forces of Britain and Commonwealth and the USA to invade Nazi occupied France and to start the liberation of Europe. Literally the turning point of WW2 in Europe, this forced the surrender of Germany within a year.

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Q: What is D - Day?
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What did d-day mean?

D-Day means disembarkment day

What is D day about?

d-day or day of days or dooms day was the day the us and the british invaded Normandy d-day lasted for 2 days

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No purple in D-Day

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Why is d-day called d day?

D-day means day of days, it mostly marks the start of a military operation.

What day was d-day on?

D-Day was on Tuesday, June 6, 1944.

Why is the battle named d day?

D-Day was short for the Day of Days

What was the real name of D-DAY?

D Day stands for Debarkation day !