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  • Andean rodents: Degu, chinchilla, and mountain viscacha.
  • Llama, alpaca, and vicuna
  • Rare deer: the pudu which is the smallest deer in the world.
  • Carnivores include: the puma, colocolo, and guina.
  • Birds: flamingos and parrots.
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12y ago
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2mo ago

In Chile, you can find a diverse range of animals, including pumas, condors, guanacos, and Andean flamingos. The country's varied landscapes support a wide array of species, from the desert-dwelling viscachas to the marine life off its coastal shores.

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14y ago

red tailed monkey,chinchilla and a lot of more animals

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14y ago

Cattle, elephants, camels, Horses, penguins, llamas, alpacas, Andean wolves, pumas and all types of foxes.

The Andean condor and the Huemul are the national animals of Chile.

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14y ago

Chinchillas are one

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Q: What kind of animals live in Chile?
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