Put 375 over 1000, then see which number can be divided into both numbers without a remainder. Try dividing by 125! 375 / 125 = 3 1000 / 125 = 8 So the answer in simplest form is 3 over 8 (3/8)
37.5% = 1845/4920, not in simplest form.
Put 375 over 1000, then see which number can be divided into both numbers without a remainder. Try dividing by 125! 375 / 125 = 3 1000 / 125 = 8 So the answer in simplest form is 3 over 8 (3/8)
3 over 8 is the final form
37.5% = 1845/4920, not in simplest form.
0.375 is 375 thousandths. To convert it to a fraction, put 375 over 1000. 0.375 as a fraction is 375/1000. In simplest form it is 3/8.
375/1000 75/200 15/40/ or the simplest form, which is 3/8
375/7 cannot be simplified further.
a) 37.5% = 375/10% = 375/10×100 = 375/1000 =Both nominator and denominator divided by 5 so, = 375÷5 / 1000÷5 = 75/200 Also divided by 25 = 75÷25/200÷25 = 3/8 is a simple fraction b) 37.5% of $400 =37.5/100 of $400 = 375/10×100 of $400 =375× 400/10×100 = 375× 4/10 =1500/10 = $150