To round 3153007 to the nearest 100,000, we look at the digit in the hundred thousand's place, which is 3. Since the digit to the right of 3 is 1 (less than 5), we round down. Therefore, 3153007 rounded to the nearest 100,000 is 3100000.
127891 rounded to the nearest 100000 is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
127891 rounded to the nearest 100000 is 100000.
2682917 rounded to the nearest 100000 is 2700000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It is 100000.
It would be 100000. Rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 130000