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"Creamed potatoes" and "mashed potatoes" are English equivalents of the French phrase pommes de terre mousseline. The feminine prepositional phrase also occurs as mousseline de pommes de terre. The pronunciation will be "puhmd ter moo-sleen" in northerly French and "puhm-muh duh ter-ruh moo-suh-lee-nuh" in southerly French.

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Q: What is des pommes de terre in English?
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What does des pommes de terre in english mean?

it means potatoes

How do you say some potato in French?

To say "some potato" in French, you would say "des pommes de terre".

How do you say potato in French?

Une pomme de terre, plural: des pommes de terre. Popular variant : une patate, des patates

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I think it is Pomme de terre (or familiary"patate") à la robe des champs.

How do you say roasted potatoes in French?

des pommes de terre au four (oven-baked), des pommes de terre rôties (cooked on a flame)

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des pommes de terre, also called familiarly des patates

How do you say I love potatoes in French?

You would say "J'aime les pommes de terre" in French to express "I love potatoes."

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potato skins are called "pelures de pomme de terre / la peau des pommes de terre" in French

What is the french spelling for potatoes?

The French spelling for potatoes is "pommes de terre."

What is French for potatoes?

The French for "a potato" is une pomme de terre,which literally means "earth apple".To say "some potatoes" you would say des pommes de terre.To say "the potatoes" is les pommes de terre.

How do you say scalloped potatoes in french?

pommes de terre de pétoncles