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Allusion is a brief, usually indirect reference to a person, place or event--- real or frictional or to a work of art, famous historical or literary figure of event.

I was a benerdict arnold as I betrayed my friend

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3mo ago

An allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, or literary work outside of the current text. It is a figurative language technique that can add depth and layer meaning in writing by evoking existing cultural or literary knowledge.

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11y ago

An allusion is kind of like a figure of speech, it refers to something in maybe another literary work, to Greek mythology, The Bible, or it can also be a recent event in history.

For example:

"David was being such a scrooge!"

"Scrooge" is the allusion, and it refers to Charles Dicken's novel, A Christmas Carol. Scrooge was very greedy and unkind, which David was being compared to.

Another example:

"The stock market is just Pearl Harborlately."

This goes without saying that Pearl Harbor had been bombed, and in an allusion of sorts, it's saying that the Stock Market is not doing well. So it can also be a recent event that something is compared to, not just somebody else's work.

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