Beautiful is frumos in the Romanian language.
Fată frumoasă is a Romanian equivalent of 'beautiful girl'. With this phrase, it's possible for the speaker to pay a direct compliment to a 'beautiful girl'. For example, 'You are a beautiful girl' is 'Esti o fată frumoasă' in Romanian.
Yes, 'scumpo' is one common way of saying 'beautiful' in Romanian.
The equivalent of You have beautiful eyes in the Romanian language is Tu ai ochi frumoÅŸi.
The Romanian language equivalent of Good bye beautiful is La revedere, frumoaso.
Yes, Romanian women are beautiful (excepting of course old women).
The Romanian language equivalent of Hello beautiful is Salutare frumoaso.Bună scumpo is a Romanian equivalent of 'Hello, Beautiful'. Another equivalent is 'Bunăfrumoaso'. Either way, the meaning and the compliment are the same.
The Romanian language translation of "gorgeous girl" is "o fată foarte frumoasă".
The equivalent of "Hello beautiful Diana" in the Romanian language is "Salutare (or Te salut) frumoasă Diana".
The Romanian language equivalent is viaţă frumoasă.
Bella is not a Romanian name or word; bella is beautiful in Italian.
If you're clean in and out then youre beautiful.