There are a variety of ways to spell Sarah in different languages. In Muslim, Greek, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, they spell Sarah as Sara. In Finnish, they spell Sarah as Salli, Sari, and Saara. In English, it can also be spelled as Sera, Sariah, and Sarra.
she new 4 languages
Sarah Brightman is known to speak English and French fluently. She could likely speak other languages to some extent, but these are the two known languages she is proficient in.
Sarah Winchester knew English, French, Latin, and Italian.
Anne of green gables has 9 children named, Sarah, Anna, Diane, Julie, Gilbert Og, John, Stacy(after her teacher), Ralph, Aaron
In Arabic, the name Sarah means "pure" or "happy." In Hebrew, it means "princess" or "noblewoman."
Different languages were created by different people, obviously.
There are many problems of communication in different languages. Interpretations, inflection and meaning of words can be lost in communication of different languages.
All 6,809 languages in the world are different from each other.
Different languages were designed by different people, obviously.
People who speak several different languages are called polyglots.
most languages are similar in structure but have different rules about rhyme. -apex