The name 'Eve' is Hebrew for life. The original word in Hebrew is 'havvah'. The name owes its existence to Adam having chosen to change his wife's name from the generic 'woman' [Genesis 2:23, 3:30].
Eve's place!
IN SLOVAKIA IT MEANS 'belonging to eve' OR 'from eve'. Similar to how you would use EVE's in english.
Eve - a Feminine name in English.
It means "celebrate the eve" (for ex : new year's eve, or Christmas eve)
Ralna English's birth name is Ralna Eve English.
Hazrat Havva in English is:Hazrat Eve
Vigilia di Natale is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Christmas Eve." The prepositional phrase translates literally as "eve (vigil) of (the) Nativity" in English. The pronunciation will be "vee-DJEE-lya dee na-TA-ley" in Italian.
Véspera de Natal is a Portuguese equivalent of the English phrase "Christmas Eve." The phrase translates literally as "Eve of (the) Nativity" in English. The pronunciation will be "VESH-pee-ruh djee nuh-TOW" in Cariocan Brazilian and in continental Portuguese.
Chava (English: Eve).
Eve Trevaskis has written: 'The lion of England' -- subject(s): Fiction, Fiction in English 'King's wake' -- subject(s): Fiction in English 'Princess of Britain' -- subject(s): Fiction in English