At the dance studio i go to, they have springs underneath the floors and they help us immensly with our joints. The main purpose of the floors is to cushion the bouncing and slamming that happens over and over again when dancing. Dance floors also have specific coverings that prevent a dance from slipping.
The most common dance injuries are ankles and leg injuries
Bickner Dance Floors located at 2740 Hyannis Way in Sacramento rents dance floors. The prices for dance floor rentals are $14 per section per day on any floor larger than 12�۪ x 15�۪, They also offer black and/or white dance floors in 3�۪ x 3�۪ panels at $19.00 per panel plus a $2 cleaning charge per panel. You can get more information at
Their first song was Blood on the Dance Floor (Let's Start a Riot) ~Auddie Dottie Doll-face (Audrey Feltner)
Body awareness basically means being aware of your body. In dance you have to be aware of your own physical limitations otherwise injuries can occur.
The most common dance injuries are ankles and leg injuries
Sprung Floors and Snap Lock Dance Floors are both great options for portable dance floors. They are typically sold for anywhere from $500 to $3000 depending on the size and quality of the floor you are looking to purchase.
Party Inc in Seattle, WA rents out dance floors. They are great options for parties.
Generators are possible to run LED dance floors. This allows dance floors to be used indoor and outdoor. Generators will allow for extra expenses from the DJ service.
Portable dance floors measuring around 36" x 48" can be purchased for under $200 each. Better quality dance floors (with oak upgrade) of the same size cost around $300 each.
There are many diffferent types of dance floors available for clubs. Portable dancefloors can be purchased from Dance Deck. LED dance floors are available from Light Energy Studio. There are also full-service nightclub design companies like Creative Nightclubs, which deal in floors and many other related items.
they are out
Dancers leaping across a floor can land with the force of up to eight times their body weight, so it is important to dance on a sprung dance floor. Injuries can include plantar facia, shin splints, hairline fractures, and knee and hip problems. Dancers seeking a new studio should always consider what type of floor the studio offers. Concrete floors are the worst. Dance studios sometimes try to hide the construction of their floor by covering the surface with a "Marley" dance floor. Marley is a vinyl type flooring that comes on six foot wide rolls and is used to provide a uniformly non-slick smooth surface. Touring companies frequently bring their own Marley flooring on tour. Marley does not provide adequete cushioning for dancers when used over a concrete floor. Studios desiring to protect their dancers from injuries can create an optimal dance floor by building up a sprung floor. This is made by criss-crossing three layers of 1x1 wood strips, then a sub-floor of 5/8" plywood, and finished with Marley. Companies such as Rosco and Harlequin sell complete solutions including cushioning, sub-floor, and dance surface.
Use of a seat belt is a way to prevent injuries in a collision.
Carpet burn for one
Big events sometimes cause for outside help and rentals. Dance floors are a perfect piece of rental equipment for large parties so that everyone will be able to get down.