It is probably a good idea to pay back any loan. A loan, by definition, is something being furnished on condition of being returned. If you don't pay it back, it is not a loan. It is stealing.
have fair crediit need a loan with time to pay it back?
If you need a loan but can't pay it back, you should not get a loan. You should rethink your 'need' and find another way to resolve it. If you borrow money that you can't pay back, that is a form of theft.
You have to pay back the loan with interest.
If you do not pay back you 401k loan, it will be looked at as a withdrawal. Which means not only will you be taxed on that money this year, you will also have to pay a penalty for early withdrawal.
What you do with a loan is irrelevant. You always have to pay it back.
Failing to pay back a loan is called defaulting on the loan.
It is probably a good idea to pay back any loan. A loan, by definition, is something being furnished on condition of being returned. If you don't pay it back, it is not a loan. It is stealing.
have fair crediit need a loan with time to pay it back?
If you need a loan but can't pay it back, you should not get a loan. You should rethink your 'need' and find another way to resolve it. If you borrow money that you can't pay back, that is a form of theft.
A loan you usually have to pay back and with a grant as long as you stay within the criteria to have it, you don't have to pay it back.
if they give you money then you have to pay them back that is that question
You have to pay back the loan with interest.
When you take a loan out from a bank, or wherever, they will expect you to pay interest. This means that you pay back what you took out on a loan, plus extra money. So for example, if you took a loan out for $500, and let's say you have to pay it back with 15% interest, you would pay back $575.
Regardless of academic status, if someone gives you money in the form of a loan, you must pay them back.