As A Female gets older the gradually produce more Testosterone.... As a Boy gets Older He Produces less Estrogen and More Testoterone.... testosterone works in sync with human growth hormone which is why men are mostly taller and more heavily built. This leads me into believing that men die younger because they have to much testoterone.... the More testosterone the older a person looks also. This also leads me to thinking that human Growth hormon Makes skin Grow even when the Elasticity of skin remains. The More skin The Less Elasticity, The More Wrinkles.
in any case, for a woman to stay hairless they would need less testosterone in order to not grow hairs as quick. This also means that Human Growth Hormone is released through the Day in very small doses. and when you sleep more is released.
Hair growth is increased while your asleep so in order to prevent gair growth you would have to use a cream during the night to weaken hair growth, this weaken the nutrients that allow hairs to grow. Unfortunaty, such hairloss products with out an understanding can increase cancers along the nervous system, just like how botox can travel and inflame nerve cells so can hair reduction kill of those cells. its all connected. The more hair growth usually means healthy cells. This is Because when a cell Dies is Can Become a Hair folicals core. So The Less Cancers exist when hair is produced from a dead cell. Hair cells also protect other healthy cells in the Skin.
Its Best Not To use any Hair weakening Or Reduction creams to reduce hair production, Shaving is the best Way, But When you shave you allow Microscopic germs to enter the Stem thus Causing Infimation in the Skin. So That another reason to wear aftershaves or an Anti-bacterial Cream after shaving. Its all New stuff. But if You manage to question how things work in you body, you can usually find a Healthy solution without causing any problems in the long term.
So, In order to produce less Hair, you need more estrogen but with a substited human growth hormone so you can prevent any cancers. You Can Shave like normal and use an antibacterial cream to prevent Microscopic germs from infecting a cell, Just remember that natural creams from herbal products are best to use as chemically produced creams can have side effects. A natural anti-bacterial would be Oderless Garlic or Onion Juice, This Is Because They Are Hot watery Acids. Onion can Rejuvinate a Dying skin cell by removing dirt and Saturated Fats Around it. Skin Cells Can Be Rejuvinated in that Sence by drinking the Right Amount of water per day, which is Usually 250mls of water every 2 hours per day. Water is activated by heat and swet helps to clean the skin of dirt and fats. But The sun Can Enhance the Waters Cleaning effects Under the skin also. The sun activates The Hydrogen in the Skin and Turns it into A Mild Acid.
Sorry if ive gone off topic. Hope You have enough info.
it is the hormone that causes the growth of pubic hair.
Yes, if the hormone imbalance is high then yes if it's low then no.
Hormone imbalance
The brain signals the adrenals to produce a lot of growth hormone. This causes increase in testosterone levels. This hormone drives puberty . it is the reason behing growth of pubic hair,etc.
The hormone responsible for most men to grow facial hair is testosterone. During puberty, increased levels of testosterone stimulate the growth of facial hair, along with other secondary sexual characteristics.
Low Thyroid hormone can causes hair loss, sluggishness and low metabolic rate.
Oh, dude, if you're sprouting more hair than Chewbacca, it could be due to an excess of androgens like testosterone. These hormones can make you hairier than a werewolf at a full moon party. But hey, at least you'll save money on razors, right?
The main hormone is testosterone in boys. Its estrogen in girls.
Hair growth.
The hormone testosterone is responsible for hair growth during puberty. Thsi is produced my testis.
Dihydrotestosterone, a derivative of testosterone which is responsible for growing facial hair.