Alastair Gordon has written:
'Spaced Out' -- subject(s): Architecture, Communal living, Domestic Architecture, Dwellings, Hippies, History, Nineteen sixties, Social life and customs
'Beaux Arch 89'
'Romantic modernist' -- subject(s): Architects, Biography
Oliver E. Allen has written:
'Building sound bones and muscles' -- subject(s): Diseases, Musculoskeletal system, Popular works, Musculoskeletal System, Popular Works
'Gardening With the New Small Plants' -- subject(s): Dwarf fruit trees, Dwarf shrubs, Gardening, Midget vegetables, Miniature plants
'Vegetable Gardener's Journal'
'The windjammers' -- subject(s): History, Square-riggers, Windjammers (Sailing ships)
'Winter gardens' -- subject(s): Winter gardening, Jardinage d'hiver
'The Clipper Ships'
'Decorating with plants' -- subject(s): Flower arrangement in interior decoration, House plants in interior decoration, Indoor gardening, Interior decoration
'The tiger' -- subject(s): History, Political corruption, Politics and Government, Tammany Hall
Robert E. Oliver has written: 'Advertising at work'
Gwen E. Allen has written: 'Water'
Allen E. Breed has written: 'Good grooming for teenagers'
E. L. Allen has written: 'A guide to the thought of Reinhold Niebuhr'
C. E. Allen has written: 'The first Vintage Roadtest Journal'
Allen E. Banik has written: 'Lo Que Escogemos Esta Claro'
E. E. Brown has written: 'Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes'
W. E. D Allen has written: 'David Allens' -- subject(s): Allen (David & Sons)
R. E. Allen has written: 'Greek philosophy' -- subject(s): Accessible book
E. C Oliver has written: 'Data processing' -- subject(s): Data processing, Accounting, Computers, Business
Deborah E. Allen has written: 'Thinking toward solutions' -- subject(s): Biology, Study and teaching
George E. Allen has written: 'Presidents who have known me' -- subject(s): Politics and government 'The forest--not the trees'