'Application of item response theory to a motor skill test in
physical education' -- subject(s): Bowling, Item response theory,
Motor ability, Methodology, Ability testing, Educational tests and
measurements, Testing
Paolo Maria Costa has written:
'The journal of Oman studies'
What has the author Maria Henriqueta Costa Campos written?
Maria Henriqueta Costa Campos has written:
'Dever e poder'
When was Glaucia Maria born?
Glaucia Maria was born on May 15, 1948, in Taubat, So Paulo,
What has the author Aloysius Maria Costa written?
Aloysius Maria Costa has written:
'Christ's one sacrifice in its threefold mode' -- subject(s):
Atonement, Lord's Supper, Sacrifice
What has the author Elisa Maria Lopes da Costa written?
Elisa Maria Lopes da Costa has written:
'Os ciganos' -- subject(s): Bibliography, History, Romanies
What has the author Maria Antonieta Camacho written?
Maria Antonieta Camacho has written:
'Regional planning and people's participation in Costa Rica'
What has the author Sely Maria de Souza Costa written?
Sely Maria de Souza Costa has written:
'The impact of computer usage on scholarly communication among
academic social scientists'
What has the author Maria Irene Leite da Costa written?
Maria Irene Leite da Costa has written:
'The Oseretsky tests of motor proficiency' -- subject(s): Child
development, Testing, Ability
What has the author Anna Maria Ribeiro F M Costa written?
Anna Maria Ribeiro F. M. Costa has written:
'Potiguara' -- subject(s): Material culture, Potiguara
'Wanintesu' -- subject(s): Nambicuara language, Nambicuara
What has the author Maria Cristina Castilho Costa written?
Maria Cristina Castilho Costa has written:
'Censura em cena' -- subject(s): Censorship, History,
'A imagem da mulher' -- subject(s): Art and society, Brazilian
Art, Women in art